

Using the iCraft Player front-end component, you can easily integrate scenes edited by iCraft Editor into your project and provide rich interactive functions.

How to use

First, you need to install the @icraft/player package:

pnpm install @icraft/player --save

Then, import the ICraftPlayer component in your project and pass in the fileUrl property, with the value of the .iplayer file address exported by iCraft Editor.

import { ICraftPlayer } from "@icraft/player";
export default () => {
return <ICraftPlayer fileUrl='*.iplayer' />;

Open your project in a browser, and you should be able to see the scene edited by iCraft Editor embedded in the page.


The use of iCraft Player requires commercial licensing. If you need to obtain iCraft Player commercial licensing, please contact us

Set the authorization code before using iCraft Player

import { LicenseManager } from "@icraft/player";
LicenseManager.setLicenseKey("your license key");
// befor use ICraftPlayer